(2018) 4/2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 58–69
Title of the article Execution of Prosecutor’s Powers in Criminal Proceedings on Domestic Violence
PhD in Law, deputy head, department of scientific and methodological support of prosecutor’s participation in criminal proceedings, Scientific and Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine kristicity@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 4/2
Pages [58–69]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Combating domestic violence is an important means to build a safe and democratic society. According to the Law of Ukraine of December 6, 2017, No. 2227-VIII “On Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine in order to implement the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and fight against these phenomena” (Law of Ukraine No. 2227-VIII) the Criminal Code of Ukraine is supplemented with new articles, introducing such criminal offense as domestic violence, and the procedure law is amended.
Therefore, it is relevant to study the problematic issues of prosecutors’ use of new legislation in view of their powers in the field of combating domestic violence, responding to the domestic violence, demarcation of the qualification of domestic violence as criminal and administrative offenses, as well as the algorithm of the actions of the prosecutor in case of detection of domestic violence.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the prosecutor’s powers to conduct criminal proceedings on domestic violence.
The criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine is analyzed in terms of its compliance with the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and the fight against these phenomena. The peculiarities of the prosecutor’s execution of powers in criminal proceedings on domestic violence are determined. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the victim’s protection of the victim should be a priority for the prosecutor following the detection of domestic violence. The necessity of amendments to the criminal procedural legislation and the establishment of the requirement for the mandatory conduct of criminal proceedings on domestic violence in a closed court session during the whole trial are indicated, except when an open court session requires the victim or there are other circumstances indicating the need for an open trial.
Keywords domestic violence; criminal proceedings; powers of the prosecutor.
List of legal documents
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6. Opus v. Turkey App no 33401/02 (ECtHR, 9 June 2009). URL: (accessed: 14.12.2018) (in Ukrainian).
Edited books
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9. Uvarova O, Mozghova V ta Sokolova Ya, Zabezpechennia dostupu zhinok do pravosuddia v Ukraini: navch. posib. dlia suddiv i prokuroriv. Natsionalna chastyna [Ensuring Women’s Access to Justice in Ukraine: teach. manual for judges and prosecutors. National part] (U mezhakh proektu Rady Yevropy “Pokrashchennia dostupu zhinok do pravosuddia v piaty krainakh Skhidnoho partnerstva (Azerbaidzhani, Armenii, Hruzii, Respublitsi Moldova i Ukraini)” 2016) 82 (in Ukrainian).